Office Hours: M-Th 7:30a - 3:15p/F til 2:15p
Phone Number: (952) 935-4497
Email: info@minnetonkachristian.com
Know Christ. Share Love. Serve Others.
At Minnetonka Christian Academy, we support the unique differences of each student and provide tailored learning opportunities for them to thrive. MCA offers special services through Hopkins Public School District to meet the needs of student learners with disabilities.
Area of Eligible Services
MCA will accept student applications for the following disability categories which is determined by the Minnesota Department of Education for services:
Developmental Cognitive Disability: Mild to Moderate (DCD-MM)
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Emotional or Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
Other Health Disabilities (OHD)
Physically Impaired (PI)
Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
Speech or Language Impairments (SPL)
For more information about each disability, please visit one of the links below.
Guidance and Counseling Services
Minnetonka Christian Academy does not offer Guidance and Counseling Services at this time.
Title I Services
Minnetonka Christian Academy partners with the Hopkins School District to provide Title I Services to assist students who qualify.